Celebrate Black History Month at Joyful! on February 16

Our Donors & Sponsors Community Strong

We thank our supporters!

This list reflects our 2023 fiscal year. Individual donors are listed alphabetically by last name. Households that have two last names are listed together.


Michelle Abboud

Emily Ackerman

Gerald W. Adelmann

Mimi Aiston

Salwa and Jamal

Andy and Richard Amend

Polly Andrews

Antunez Design

George Archibald

Miguel Arellano

Rita Arnold

Sven Asmus

Steve August

Floyd and Bobbie


Faith P. Bailey

Carol Balabanow

Lele and Henry Barkhausen

Venoncia M. and Carol Baté-Ambrus

​Beverly and Ralph Behrens

Carol and Robert Beilfuss

Bella Ru Catering

Tami Bellisario


George and Martha Bermingham

Divya Bhoj


Holly Birnbaum and Mark Sherman

Karl and Georgia Blalock

Cindy Blue

Marshall Bohlin and Rebecca Keays

Bold Bison

Jackie and Mike Borchew

Beth Wiley Boyd and Bruce Boyd

Laura Bronson and Kurt Jorgensen

Cornelius P. and Lorie Brown

Meghan Bucaro

Buchanan Family Foundation

Steven and Kathie Bugg

Cathleen Burrell

Butler Family Foundation

Karen Byers

Catherine Game and John Cawood

Tess Callero

Bill and Joan Cameron

Robert and Sylvia Carlson

Barb Cesal

Ari Chancellor

The Chicago Community Trust

Jimin Choi

Michael Cleavenger

​Sonny and Rena Cohen

Christine Coleman

ComEd, an Exelon Company

Britt Conway

Winnie and Bob Crawford

Melinda Criglar

Michelle and Patrick Cronin

Michelle and Steven Cucchiaro

Alice Curr

Lois Morrison and Justin Daab

Linda Dahl

Dierdra Daniels

John and Patti Davis

Rosalyn and Geoff Deigan

Alexandra DeSorbo Quinn

Daniel Didech

Joann Dinneen

Elizabeth Dlouhy

Thomas E. II and Barbara C.

Fund of The Donnelley Foundation

Robert and Ellen Doppelt

Richard and Sylvia Dresser

Glenna Eaves and Christopher Boebel

Gary Eckard

Kellie Eppel

Nora Ericson

Dixie and Rick Erwin

​Ellen Ewing and Wallace

Family Piano Company

Winter Edith and Jerry Falk

Dean and Jenny Fischer

Tessa Fischer

Rachel Fisher

Celeste Flores

Eddie Flores

​Francis Beidler III and Prudence R. 
Beidler Foundation

​Ruth Freer

Calvin and Anne Frost

Barbara and Don Fuhrmann

Jim and Rose Huisel

​Jonathan Huisel

Hunter Family Foundation

Ruth Hutter

Judith and Anthony Iacuzzi

Illinois Audubon Society,
​Lake Cook Chapter

Illinois Arts Council Agency

Illinois Department of Veteran’s Affairs 

Illinois Environmental Council

Illinois Humanities

Adriane Johnson

Carl and Jacalyn Johnson

Randy and Lindsay Johnson


Julie Kalainov

Heather Kamath

Arnold and Carol Kanter

Sarah Karnes

Joseph Kayne

Heidi Kiesler

Janet Kilkelly

Heeyoung Kim

Kumie Kim

Ryan Kissick

Ellen Knable

Marsha Kolb

Susan Krakora

Bill Kurtis and Donna LaPietra

Janet and Jim LaBelle

Tracey Ladner

Lake Forest Garden Club

Sharon Lannan

The Laksmi Fund

John and Pat Leonard

David and Nancy Levi

Joseph Levi

Michael M. Levin

Karen and Bob Lewis

​Valerie and Michael Lewis

Celine Lillie

Brianna Lise

Cheng Hwei Liu

Mary Beth and

Sandy Lourie

Rick Maechling and Carrie McNally

Thomas Maillard

Make It Better Foundation

Suzanne Malec-McKenna
and Joe Ferguson

Natalie Malitz

Jennifer Maloney

Karen Marie

Rita Mayfield

Arlene Mayzel

John and Judy McCarter

Janet and Jerome McDonnell

Michael McGlocklin

Mary Clare Johnson

Katherine McNamara

Jean Meilinger and John Schneider

D. Memmott Edward and Alinda Michael

Mid-America Arts Alliance

Jim Mikkelsen and Nancy Sutherland​

Cindy and Paul Miller

Natalie Miller

Robert Miller and Jill Goldberg 

Cristina Mittermeier and Paul Nicklen

Susan Moo

Andrea Moore

Harold M. and Adeline S. Morrison Family Foundation

Vince Mosca

Bradley and Nancy Mueller

Greg Mueller and Betty Strack

Joan Mueller

Monica Mueller

Monica Munaretto

Pamela Najarian

Disha and Akhil Narang

Jossy Nebenzahl

Joan Neil

Elaine Nekritz

Mary Ann Nelson


Deanna Nicole

Emily North

North Shore Gas

North Shore Gas​​ Community Fund

Oberweiler Foundation

Mary and Dennis O’Brien

Mary O’Donnell

Dulce Ortiz

Lori Osborne and Mark LeBien

Debra and Pat Partridge

Jordan Peart

Kathy Perkowitz

John and Jane Peterson

Maria and Ken Peterson

Joanne Phelan

Kardas Photography

Elizabeth Plotnick

Colleen Plumb

Luke Potter

Ramiro and Silvia Prudencio 

Patricia Ramdin

Edward and Melanie Ranney 

Ginevra and Ben Ranney​

Jean Ranney

Victoria and George Ranney ​

Héctor Rasgado-Flores and Cecilia Peña-Rasgado​

Angela Redd

Beth Levy Reiman and James Reiman 

Hayes Richardson​

Mike and Nancy Roach 

Leon and Yvonne Rockingham​

Aaron Rodgers

John Rogner

Carla Rosales

Barbara Rosborough

Barbara Rose

Jonathan Rothman

Ellen and Michael Rudman​

Lorra Rudman

Ellen Rudnick and Paul Earle

Mark and Ellyn Ruhlmann​

Diane Ryan

Cathy Ryerson

Mitch Ryerson

Nora Ryerson

Sam Ryerson

The Hermon Dunlap and Ellen Thorne Smith Fund at the 
Chicago Community Trust

The Morton Butler Ryerson Fund at the Chicago Community Trust

The Nancy Ryerson Ranney Fund for Environmental Education and Leadership at the Chicago Community Trust

Rebeccah Sanders

Sally Sandine

Ryan Santoro

Catherine Savage

Elizabeth Savage

Joanne Schmitz

Jean B. Schreiber

The John & Kathleen Schreiber Foundation

Michelle Schwenn-Portzen

Charles Serlin

Connor Sexson

A. Shaffer

Patrick and Susan Sheehan

​Timothy C. Sherck

Julia and Bob Sierks

Paige Silver

Byron Simerson

Adele Simmons

Edyta Sitko

Pamela Sloan

Marsha Smisko

Joyce and Charles Solberg

​Travis Solberg

Charles Solberg

Solberg Manufacturing

Paul Sortal

David Stadelman

​​Cheryl Steiger and David Weber

Raychel Steinbach

Nancy Stevenson

Jerome H. Stone Family Foundation

​Ellen B. and Sherwin Strauss

Jane and Les Sturgeon

A. Gail and William Sturm

Nick Sturm

Eleanor Sylvan


Jerome and Gail Taxy

Susan Templeton

Martha Twaddle and Tom Millar​

Sophia and Jonathan Twichell​

Union of Concerned Scientists

Clea Van Voorhis​

Anthony Vega

Village of Riverwoods​

Brian Voden

Terri Voden

Maria Vogler

Walder Foundation

Angela Walker

Bob and Diane Wallace

Kimberly Waller

Judith Weinstein​

Mary Janet and Karl Wellensiek

​Evan Westerfield

Keenan White

Linda Wiens

Patrick Williams

Bryan Won​

Alain and Barbara Wood-Prince

Lynda and John Woodson

Judy Woznyj

Courtney Wright

John Wylie and Patsy Welsh

Debra Yates

Natalie Ziemba and Tom Meilinger

John and Jan Zobus​