Don't miss the Water(color) for the Soul Pop-Up Exhibition, February 19-25

Land Acknowledgment

Brushwood Center at Ryerson Woods honors this land as the traditional home of Algonquian speaking peoples. We celebrate their traditions and culture and their immemorial ties to this land.

​Today, Brushwood Center continues to be a place where many people from diverse backgrounds find healing, vitality, and relationship with nature. We honor the multi-cultural traditions of the land, the history of native peoples, and those who continue to maintain and shape these traditions today.

Land acknowledgment statements are designed to bring more awareness and understanding of the history of indigenous peoples and their territories, but they should also be more than that; they should be a call for us to rethink our relationship with the environment and the histories of all peoples, and to challenge the legacies of settler colonialism in our society. 

Formally Adopted February 24, 2020

This statement was co-created in partnership with Skip Two Doors Twardosz. We are grateful for Skip’s contribution to this statement, and for connecting our community more deeply to this Earth, and the culture and history of Native Peoples on this land. 

We continue to adapt this language with our Indigenous partners as we grow and evolve. 

To learn more about land acknowledgements, visit Native Governance Center’s website below.