Explore Singularity is a Forest at the Brushwood Gallery



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Singularity is a Forest

Brushwood Center at Ryerson Woods 21850 N. Riverwoods Rd., Riverwoods

Singularity is a Forest Singularity is a Forest is an exhibition of photography and poetry by Mexico City artist Álvaro Alejandro López. He describes his series: "In our different languages the trees are mainly a generic symbol. However, if we contemplate them closely, we will find in them the diverse and the singular.This series is […]


¡Hola! Wiggleworms

Brushwood Center at Ryerson Woods 21850 N. Riverwoods Rd., Riverwoods

¡Hola! Wiggleworms This program is ideal for children ages 1-5, but open to younger and older siblings too! ¡Hola! Wiggleworms celebrates being bilingual! Rooted in traditional folk songs from Spanish-speaking countries […]
